Monday, October 21, 2019

The suit is now settled -

The suit ended in a settlement wherein the 12 plaintiff's got $1,500 each and the Carroll Law Firm settled for $40,000 plus $5,000 in expenses.  

The MHP was also enjoined from various ploys to charge residents for bogus fees.

Here are the relevant 6 pages of the Order and 1 page of the the 7 relating to attorney costs.

Here is a sample page showing the various expenses of the Carroll Law Firm, LLC.  They ended up with $45,000.  The entire 7 page document is available at the Superior Court Site.  

Those wanting to look at the entire case can go to and enter 'Castle Lake Homes Corp' and access the entire file. 



This 'class action' suit is soon to be put before the Superior Court for an approval of a settlement.  Normally when settled such cases have a provision for confidentiality as to what exactly the award will be.  

Hopefully this one will deviate from the norm and we can find out how much the Canadian slum lords have to pay for their years of bad treatment of renters in their downmarket trailer park.  April 16th is the next hearing in this matter.